
This is the documentation for older versions of the Prototype Kit

Covering versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Go to latest version

Build a basic prototype using the Prototype Kit

This tutorial shows you how to prototype a fictional 'Apply for a juggling licence' service that will:

  • ask 2 questions
  • show the user's answers for them to check
  • show a confirmation page

It will take about an hour to finish this tutorial, after you install the Prototype Kit.

Our prototype will look a bit like this:

The first page has the title 'Start page' with the button 'Start now'. This is linked to a second page with the title 'Question 1' and a 'Continue' button. This forks to 2 different pages. 1 is titled 'Ineligible'. 2 is titled Question 2. Question 2 is linked to a page titled 'Check answers'. This links to page 6, titled 'Complete'.

Diagram of 6 pages connected together.

Before you start

Before you start, you must install and run the GOV.UK Prototype Kit.

You'll also need a code editor. These two are popular, well established and fairly accessible:

Next (open your prototype in your editor)

Give feedback

If you would like to give feedback about this tutorial, or you’ve got a question, get in touch with the GOV.UK Design System team: