
This is the documentation for older versions of the Prototype Kit

Covering versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Go to latest version

Build a basic prototype Let the user change their answers

Make the Change links on the ‘Check answers’ page work by adding the right links.

  1. In the <a> tag under {{ data['how-many-balls'] }}, change the href attribute from # to /juggling-balls
  2. In the <a> tag under {{ data['most-impressive-trick'] }}, change the href attribute from # to /juggling-trick

If you select a Change link, you’ll go back to the right question page, but your answer will not appear yet.

Show the user’s answer in question 1

Radios and checkboxes have a checked option to set whether they are selected (checked) or not when the page loads.

Open the juggling-balls.html file in your app/views folder.

For each of the items, we’ll add a checked value, like this:

        value: "3 or more",
        text: "3 or more",
        checked: checked("how-many-balls", "3 or more")
        value: "1 or 2",
        text: "1 or 2",
        checked: checked("how-many-balls", "1 or 2")
        value: "None - I cannot juggle",
        text: "None - I cannot juggle",
        checked: checked("how-many-balls", "None - I cannot juggle")

In each case make sure the spelling is exactly the same as the value.

Go to http://localhost:3000/juggling-balls and check the journey works by selecting an answer, continuing to the next page, then going back.

Show the user’s answer in question 2

Text inputs and textareas have a value to set what text appears in them when the page loads.

Open the juggling-trick.html file in your app/views folder.

Add value: data['most-impressive-trick'] like this:

{{ govukTextarea({
    name: "most-impressive-trick",
    id: "most-impressive-trick",
    label: {
        text: "What is your most impressive juggling trick?",
        classes: "govuk-label--l",
        isPageHeading: true
    value: data['most-impressive-trick']
}) }}

Go to http://localhost:3000/juggling-trick and check it works by filling in an answer, continuing to the next page, going back, then refreshing your browser.

Next (Show different pages depending on user input)