
This is the documentation for older versions of the Prototype Kit

Covering versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Go to latest version

Store your code online with GitHub and GitHub Desktop

GitHub is a way to store code online so you can collaborate with other people. It also makes it easier to publish your prototype online with Heroku.

Some concepts:

  • Git - software that stores versions of your code
  • GitHub - a website that shares your code online
  • GitHub Desktop - an app that puts your code on GitHub
  • Repository/repo - a project stored in Git

Set up GitHub Desktop

  1. Create a free GitHub account.

  2. Download the GitHub Desktop app.

  3. Run GitHub Desktop.

  4. Sign in with your GitHub account details.

Store your prototype in Git

  1. Select Add an Existing Repository (if it's not on the screen, click the File menu and select Add Local Repository).

  2. Set the local path to your prototype folder. Github Desktop will now show a warning, but do not worry - this is the correct process.

A screenshot of GitHub Desktop at this point:

Screenshot of the GitHub Desktop app. There is a separate pop-up box with the heading 'Add local repository'. In this box there is a text input labelled 'local path'. A button labelled 'choose'. A link titled 'Create a repository'. A button labelled 'Cancel'. And a button labelled 'Add repository'.

  1. In the warning, click the create a repository link.

  2. On the next screen, titled Create a repository, click the Create repository button.

Upload your prototype to GitHub

  1. In the top right, click publish repository.

  2. Make sure 'Keep this code private' is not ticked, as we need others to be able to see and collaborate on it.

  3. Click publish repository.

Your prototype code is now on GitHub, which means other people can see and collaborate on your code.