Build a basic prototype Use components from the Design System
You can copy example code from the GOV.UK Design System to add page elements like radios and text inputs - we call these ‘components’.
HTML and Nunjucks
HTML is the language used to create web pages.
Nunjucks is another language we can run in the Prototype Kit, to make HTML for us. Short, simple Nunjucks code can create much longer, more complex HTML.
In the Design System, components have both Nunjucks and HTML example code. Either will work in the Prototype Kit.
Add radios to question 1
Go to the radios component in the Design System (opens in a new tab).
Select the Nunjucks tab under the first example, then Copy code.
in yourapp/views
folder.Replace this paragraph with the code you copied:
[Insert question content here - see the
<a href="">GOV.UK Design System</a>
for examples]
- The example code comes with a heading that is connected to the answers for accessibility, so delete the old
tag with "How many balls can you juggle?".
Customise the example code
, changetext
from"Where do you live?"
to"How many balls can you juggle?"
. We use the name to show the answer to this question on the Check answers page.We only want 3 options not 4, so delete the last of the
including the comma from the previous item:
value: "northern-ireland",
text: "Northern Ireland"
- Change the
in theitems
- 3 or more
- 1 or 2
- None - I cannot juggle
Your component code should now look like this:
{{ govukRadios({
name: "how-many-balls",
fieldset: {
legend: {
text: "How many balls can you juggle?",
isPageHeading: true,
classes: "govuk-fieldset__legend--l"
items: [
value: "3 or more",
text: "3 or more"
value: "1 or 2",
text: "1 or 2"
value: "None - I cannot juggle",
text: "None - I cannot juggle"
}) }}
Your page should now look like this: