Create your first plugin

This tutorial shows you how to create a plugin that provides a simple 'Hello world' page template.

Our example is for templates, but you can follow the same steps for other plugin types.

Create a folder and initialise it

  1. Create a new folder for your plugin and navigate to it in the terminal, then enter: git init && npm init

  2. npm will now ask you questions to create a package.json file. You can change any of your answers later if you need to.


The name for your plugin using only lowercase letters and hyphens, for example "hello-world-template"


Use the default version number 1.0.0


Enter a summary of what your plugin does, for example "Provides a Hello World template"

test command
git repository

Leave these blank


Your name - this will only appear publicly if you share the plugin later.


Use the default "ISC"

  1. Confirm your answers by pressing enter when asked "Is this OK?".

Create a config file

  1. Create a file called govuk-prototype-kit.config.json in your plugin folder. This is called your config file.

Your config file tells the kit what’s included in the plugin.

  1. In your config file add a ‘Hello World’ template using the templates option:
  "templates": [
      "name": "Hello World example",
      "path": "/hello-world.html",
      "type": "nunjucks"

Create a template

Create a file called hello-world.html and add HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>Hello world</h1>

You have created a plugin that provides a template page.

Test your plugin

  1. If you do not have a prototype, create one
  2. In the terminal change to your prototype folder.
  3. Run npm install [path] where [path] is the path to your plugin folder, for example ~/projects/prototype-plugins/my-example-plugin
  4. Run your prototype, your template should be available in the Templates section of Manage your prototype