Change the content within a page based on a user's answers

To change the content within a page based on a user's answers, you need to know how to pass data from page to page.

There are 2 ways to show content based on a user's answers. You can either send the user to different pages (called 'branching') or change the content within a page (called 'conditional' content).

Branching is better when most of the content on the page is different.

If statements

We can use if statements to show conditional content, in the format:

{% if (condition) %} 
    The content you want to appear 
{% endif %}

The content will only appear when your if statement is true.

For example, to show specific content when the user answers Scotland:

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland") %}
    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Gaelic.
{% endif %}

Conditional content for any other answer

An example with conditional content when the answer is Scotland and different content for any other answer:

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland") %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Gaelic.

{% else %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is available in other languages.

{% endif %}

Conditional content for 2 specific answers

An example with conditional content when the answer is Scotland and different content for Wales:

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland") %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Gaelic.

{% elseif (data['country'] == "Wales") %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Welsh.

{% endif %}

Combine conditions

An example with the same conditional content for the answer Scotland or Northern Ireland:

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland" or data['country'] == "Northern Ireland") %}
    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Gaelic and Irish.

{% endif %}

An example with conditional content when the answer for 'country' is Scotland and the answer for 'nationality' is French:

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland" and data['nationality'] == "French") %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">
        This service is also available in Gaelic and French.

{% endif %}

Multiple conditions

An example where the 'country' is Scotland and the content is different based on the 'nationality':

{% if (data['country'] == "Scotland") %}

    <div class="govuk-inset-text">

        {% if (data['nationality'] == "Northern Irish") %}

            This service is also available in Gaelic and Irish.

        {% elseif (data['nationality'] == "French") %}

            This service is also available in Gaelic and French.

        {% endif %}


{% endif %}